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Bluefish | Pomatomus saltatrix

Writer's picture: hazzardlandinghazzardlanding

Oh yes, the spunky Bluefish. This snappy fighter (literally sharp teeth here you'll need a steel leader) is always a fun time thanks to their boundless energy and aggressive style. Blues are migratory fish and visit Delaware waters in droves, going wild in spring on feeding frenzies. -Think Dewey on senior week, pretty much the equivalent to a blue which consumes almost anything in its path. They can be found hanging out with their buddies in large schools, a constantly moving band these guys are - which means you gotta be moving too to keep up. The blues are plentiful and although known as the "fishy" fish- drown them in vinegar for 15 minutes to make them an appetizing catch.

Blues can live to around 12 years! This just proves their tenacity even more.



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