Crickeys I love my creatures. The Cownose Ray, commonly referred to as a "bullnose" in the First State, is a migratory Ray that travels in a school, gracing our waters predominantly in June to July when mating season is in full action. Female Rays are a live birthing species that has one pup after a 11 month gestation period.
Appearing to be a brownish hue, you'll know when you encounter one thanks to it's distinctive snout, usually massive size, kite-shape body and whip-like tail.
These goliaths have venomous spines at the base of their tale, however they often fall prey to bull sharks and sandbar sharks.
They thrive in shallow water and love Delawares gloomy brackish water and are an opportunistic feeder of mollusks and clams.
Delaware has an active population of Rays and Skates which are commonly mistaken for one or the other. The tail is an easily identifiable characteristic to differentiate between the two- rays have thin string-like tails while Skates have thicker tails and a more pointed nose.
