Really there are few sea creatures I have found in my adult life that I didn't as a child, the star coral fossil being one of them. Coral was not a thought in my little brain back then, coral was something I associated with tropical islands, but the discovery of it in my teen years proved to be a new fascination of mine that I fully relish in.
Now I am not a Marine Biologist but I do know this is fossilized star coral, which is a general blanket term for a whole group of different species.

A spin-off thought:
I have always been fascinated when murmurs of artificial reefs pop up in Delaware, when they sink an old vessel or use concrete material, Delaware has 14 of them I think, here is a good link on that- http://www.dnrec.delaware.gov/fw/Fisheries/Pages/ArtificialReefProgram.aspx